Selected Publications

Members of Lobingier Lab Underlined


DNAJC13 localization to endosomes is opposed by its J domain and its disordered C- terminal tail , Adoff H, Novy B, Holland E, Lobingier BT. BioRxiv, 2024.

Retromer Opposes Opioid-Induced Downregulation of the Mu Opioid Receptor Dagunts A, Adoff H, Novy B, De Maria M, Lobingier BT. BioRxiv, 2024.

An engineered trafficking biosensor reveals a role for DNAJC13 in DOR downregulation regulation Novy B, Dagunts A, Weishaar T, Holland E, Adoff H, Hutchinson E, De Maria M, Kampann M, Tsvetanova NG, Lobingier BT. Nature Chemical Biology, 2024.

Featured in: Illuminating GPCR trafficking. Halls, M.L. Nat Chem Biol (2024).

Profiling the diversity of agonist-selective effects on the proximal proteome environment of G protein-coupled receptors Palacco BJ#, Lobingier BT#, Blythe EE, Abreu N, Khare P, Howard MK, Gonzalez-Herandez A, Xu J, Li Q, Novy B, Ning Z, Schoichet B, Levitz J, Krogan N, von Zastrow M, Huttenhain R (# equal contributors) Nature Chemical Biology, 2024

Ligand-directed labeling of opioid receptors for covalent attachment of fluorophores or small molecule probes Adoff H#, Halls VS#, Holland E#, Lobingier BT*, Arttamangkul S* (# equal contributors; * co-lead contacts) Star Protocols. 2023

GPCRs at Endosomes: sorting, Signaling, and Recycling. Irannejad R and Lobingier BT Book Chapter: GPCRs as Therapeutic Targets, Gilchrist (Ed). 2022

A cellular perspective of bias at G protein-coupled receptors. Fernandez TJ, De Maria M, Lobingier BT Protein Science. 2020


When trafficking and signaling mix: How subcellular location shapes G protein-coupled receptor activation of heterotrimeric G proteins. Lobingier BT and von Zastrow M. Traffic. 2019

A Genetically Encoded Biosensor Reveals Location Bias of Opioid Drug Action. Stoeber M, Jullié D, Lobingier BT, Laeremans T, Steyaert J, Schiller PW, Manglik A, von Zastrow M. Neuron. 2018

An Approach to Spatiotemporally Resolve Protein Interaction Networks in Living Cells. Lobingier BT#, Hüttenhain R#, Eichel K, Miller KB, Ting AY, von Zastrow M, Krogan NJ. (# equal contributors) Cell. 2017

Featured in: GPCR interactions in space and time. Doerr A. Nat. Meth. (2017).

Effects of endocytosis on receptor-mediated signaling. Irannejad R, Tsvetanova NG, Lobingier BT, von Zastrow M. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2015